
Retail & E-commerce

Our flexible and eco-friendly packaging solutions and labels set you apart from the competition in retail and e-commerce. Rely on our creativity and sustainability to produce your labels and packaging in an unparalleled way. In doing so, we always ensure continuity and flexibility during the fulfilment process.

Get in touch Retail & E-commerce
Retail & E-commerce, Optimum Group™ Max Aarts, Zelfklevende etiketten, Linerless etiketten, Flexibele verpakking, Verpakkingsoplossingen

Solutions for Retail & E-commerce

Optimum Group™ Max Aarts offers you perfect printing techniques at the best possible value for money, including flexo, foil, thermal transfer and digital printing, as well as various versions, for example with perforation, so that parts of the label can be easily torn off.

more about our printing techniques

As a partner of Optimum Group™ Max Aarts, you get excellent service from several production locations. Our flexibility allows us to easily handle stock changes and fulfil our delivery promise. While we cannot predict how many consumers will buy a particular product, we make sure you are ready for your needs. Build on us as a reliable partner for your business.

read more about our security of supply

Nowadays, consumers have a strong desire for sustainability. You want to order a lot and quickly, but at the same time reduce your carbon footprint. Choose our eco-friendly packaging options. Our compostable, biodegradable labels or thin RAF NXT labels save waste and offer more labels per roll. At Optimum Group™ Max Aarts, we offer functional, eco-friendly packaging solutions that meet today's sustainability requirements.

As a customer of Optimum Group™ Max Aarts, you can look forward to innovative and growth-oriented packaging solutions and labels that meet all retail and e-commerce requirements. We have a large production capacity and are therefore perfectly prepared for the upcoming market demand. Our innovative and sustainable products set the standard and give us a leading position in the industry.

more about sustainability

We would like to do something for you!

With us, you will find expert advice, expert knowledge and people who like to think "outside the box" to find your perfect solution.

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